Progress: Invest in women.
Glass ceilings aside, the metaphor we often see for underrepresented people is finding a seat at the table: how to be included? But how do you get a seat at the table, if you’re waiting on an invite? My advice is to get some tools and build yourself a seat.
International Womens Day illustration by Matea Losenegger.
Build yourself a seat.
Post-college I struggled with where to fit in, and what I wanted in life. How to be respected by clients and my teams when I was just starting in my career, I felt like my voice wasn’t important in conversations. Other people spoke up more, and louder, so I let them.
After many years I’m finally able to be myself, and not the role society has put me into. Most women know that feeling: putting yourself into a certain mold to make yourself better/more appealing/more approachable etc. I am now more certain of who I am as a woman, a partner, and a friend. Take it or leave it.
Gender equality is something that’s always been important to me but that was never clearer than when I had my daughter. Raising a child in this world of uncertainty and inequity can feel so challenging and hopeless. But new generations bring hope and show us progress, while it feels slow at times. Something I’ve realized is - The only way we progress forward is to invest in women to be their most authentic selves.
Meryn Hayes discussing how to support women and LGBTQ+ creatives in the Motion Design industry at CoMotion 2023.
Invest in women.
This industry has so many wonderful women who have pulled up a seat to the table. They are leaders, artists, speakers, mentors and their voices need to be heard and amplified, not just this month but all year long. It’s difficult to go to student events like CoMotion at SCAD to see the makeup of students, which is overwhelmingly female and then to look in the professional industry doesn’t reflect that.
One of the proudest moments of my career has been hearing feedback from Dash Bash attendees about the diversity of our speaker lineup. Creating a space and platform that’s inclusive of all voices, especially some of the quiet ones. It’s the most meaningful thing I’ve been a part of in my career.
Meryn Hayes moderates the Women in Motion panel at the 2023 Dash Bash with Katie Trayte, Taylor McDade, Megan Pelto, and Melody Shih.
Continued progress.
I am encouraged by the progress I see in the steps we’ve made in representation in the community, but it is no longer the bare minimum to include women in those conversations.
So this International Women’s Day I urge you to look at the women in your industry and do one thing to uplift them - it could be something as simple as re-posting their work. Jennie Davis of Mothers of Mograph, put together this wonderful list of women to follow, hire, and invest in.